quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2015

Blood Orange de volta.


Dev Hynes não é mais um número no bolo de artistas que continua a ver o seu tamanho aumentar de forma avassaladora. Dev Hynes é Blood Orange e tal como o nome indica a sua música por vezes pode ser agri-doce, ainda que mais na palavra do que na melodia. e isso é importante, haver ainda quem nos inspire a alma, nos obrigue a questionar o nosso papel no mundo. 
perturbado pelo país que lhe dá casa e por todas as idiossincrasias e crueldades sociais que o compõe (como qualquer outro), Dev Hynes pega na palavra e na música para reflectir em tudo o que o perturba, e faz a merecida partilha. dele, para o mundo.
mas mais não digo.
é para ler e ouvir, de alma aberta, e assim de repente até pode ser já aqui dentro:

America is in the middle of an act of terrorism right now, and black people are being attacked and killed every day. Every day I wake up and it becomes harder for me to interact with my friends and the world around me. I am scared, scared for myself, for my family, for my brothers & for my sisters. You may see me write on this page or playing music and see me as Blood Orange or Dev Hynes, but I turn the corner and I am just another black man, a black man that can't get a cab, a black man that has to be careful how i walk if i want to overtake a young white woman so that she doesn't feel scared, a black man that has to sit down and be silent when a police car circles the basketball court I play at, a black man that could be shot down at any time in my life, and as I'm dying know full well, that even if they were to catch who killed me, he will get off free. It is an incredible sadness & heaviness. Being told that we do not matter on and on and on day to day to day. America likes to act like a super human yet continues to blame human error for these horrific acts. I don't know what to do anymore.

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